Welcome, Jenna Stoeber and Big Game Hunger!

What’s that feeling?

What’s that noise?

It’s BIG GAME HUNGER, Multitude’s newest member show!

This is a weekly comedy show where Jenna Stoeber and friends craft the big next game every episode. Starting with a random genre, concept, and vibe, Jenna and a friend will take a game all the way from pitch, to slightly more developed pitch. By the end of the episode, they’ll have honed an IP so irresistible, you’ll be ready to risk $25 for it on Steam. Get ready to laugh about games you love, learn about game trends, and yearn for titles that will surely never make their release date. New episodes every Monday.

Subscribe to the show right now (PocketCasts, Apple, Spotify), because there’s a ton of good stuff in store for you when the show launches on October 23.

Not only is this podcast going to be incredible, but we get to welcome a whole new host to the Multitude collective! Jenna has been on our bucket list of collaborators for years. First we admired her work at outlets like Polygon, then we saw up close how many excellent insights she can share as she guested on Multitude podcasts like Games and Feelings and Spirits. Now we get to call her a colleague, and YOU get to enjoy her presence at Multitude!

Your Mondays just got a little brighter, a little wilder, and a lot more hungry. Go on and subscribe to Big Game Hunger in your podcast app now!